Sunday, 2 December 2007


Instead of elastic could torches be used and shone on the ceiling/floor for the constellation scene?
Could these torches be used by people off stage in the scene taken from the film which describes space? (Stuart, Liz, Charmaine and myself)
How do we introduce 'The Man' as the main character to the audience?
Do we give 'The Man' a name?
Could we introduce him via the first diary entry?
Are we taking anough risks? or are we still in our comfort zones?
Do we need to gather all our texts together as one script?
Can the video diaries introduce each scene? e.g. "I went outside tonight looked up and saw the stars they were beautiful, they make me feel so peaceful, I cant wait to be up there... (next scene the constellations)


Alan McDougall S.A.. said...

God rested and dreamed
I experienced time only in my dreams said God. God first dreamed. The cup of dreams ran over like unto rivers that overflow their banks. For God dreamed an Infinity of dreams in an instant, and the Infinity multiplied by infinity for an Eternity created all possibilities in one awesome now. It was the Realm of Chaos. God began to create outside the Absolute Realm and started the first realities based on dimensions and textures.
For eons, slumbering God just observed the dreams. God delighted and God began to alter the flow and pattern of His dreaming state by switching from observer to participant. For God grew tired of the confusion and started controlling his dreams until they became patterns of joy that grew with beauty, precision and majesty. When God learned moved from his rest his time of chaos was over and the dawn of the Perfect Realm began. And the universe sprang into being. Chaos changed back to order.
Time - Actually the use of the word time here is inaccurate, but it will have to suffice for lack of a better term. From God's perspective there is no time, only an ever changing now. Our use of time is a way to express beginnings, ends, and is used here to mark the beginning and ending of chaos.
Alan 15/9/2007

Alan McDougall S.A.. said...

God rested and dreamed
I experienced time only in my dreams said God. God first dreamed. The cup of dreams ran over like unto rivers that overflow their banks. For God dreamed an Infinity of dreams in an instant, and the Infinity multiplied by infinity for an Eternity created all possibilities in one awesome now. It was the Realm of Chaos. God began to create outside the Absolute Realm and started the first realities based on dimensions and textures.
For eons, slumbering God just observed the dreams. God delighted and God began to alter the flow and pattern of His dreaming state by switching from observer to participant. For God grew tired of the confusion and started controlling his dreams until they became patterns of joy that grew with beauty, precision and majesty. When God learned moved from his rest his time of chaos was over and the dawn of the Perfect Realm began. And the universe sprang into being. Chaos changed back to order.
Time - Actually the use of the word time here is inaccurate, but it will have to suffice for lack of a better term. From God's perspective there is no time, only an ever changing now. Our use of time is a way to express beginnings, ends, and is used here to mark the beginning and ending of chaos.
Alan 15/9/2007