Thursday, 6 December 2007

Naked transcript and musings...

Transcript - Naked - Mike Leigh

A - Why are they sending all those satalites and shuttles into the cosmos, what do they think they're gonna find up there that they can't find down here? They think that if they piss high enough they're gonna find the monkey with the beard and the crap ideas and its like... oh there you are... are you busy captain cause i've got a few fundamental questions for you? You with me?

B - Yeah let's face it, I mean what are rockets? They're just big metal Pricks. The Bastard's aren't satisfied with fucking the earth they have to fuck space as well.

This is the transcript from 'Naked', this got me thinking about the bigger picture. The why?? and the reasons why we as a species are so desperate to know why, like all of life's questions will be answered when we find this illusive why. This is a simalar idea to those present in Marlowe's 'Dr Faustus'. ' His waxen wings did melt beyond his reach' The original over reacher Iccarus also quoted in Faustus. Both are characterised by this fatal flaw - thier urge to live outside of the realms of possibilty, longing for immortality. Is this misguided ideal the force behind the great escape of The man who flew into space from his apartment? Does he wish to escape purley for selfish personal reasons, does he wish to be a martyr and live forever in the memories of those who shared his beliefs? Does he wish for an elabourate experience before he inevitably plummets to his death? Does he believe that he can cheat death by breaking into somekind of mythical realm above the earths atmosphere? Is this some sort of heaven?

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