Saturday, 8 December 2007

Rocket Man lyrics (Could be used as a vocal warm up to familiarize everyone with the lyrics)

She packed my bags last night pre-flight
Zero hour nine a.m.
And i'm gonna be high as a kite by then
I miss the earth so much i miss my wife
It's lonely out in space
On such a timeless flight

And i think it's gonna be a long long time
Till touch down brings me round again to find
I'm not the man they think i am at home
Oh no no no i'm a rocket man
Rocket man burning out his fuse up here alone (x2)

Mars ain't the kind of place to raise your kids
In fact it's cold as hell
And there's no one there to raise them if you did
And all this science i don't understand
It's just my job five days a week
A rocket man, a rocket man

Chorus (x2)

And i think it's gonna be a long long time... (x9)

Thursday, 6 December 2007

There was a scene in Mad forest which again reminded me of the ‘My Boy Jack’ film I had previously discussed. It is this concept of showing the emotion of the man as a group that I am interested in, this idea hat we are all different aspects of hi.. and the thought process of a human being that is so complex and can be explored but never truly understood as it is individual.. the man.. the mixed emotion of the man.. the intensity of complex hope, realization, and inner turmoil that must be attached to a dream doomed to fail.. the self denial.. the despair.. the freedom to explore something forbidden within the society in which he is living, release.. realisation of his destiny.. acceptance of what is to come.. the characteristics of this process portrayed by us all, each though that must have run through his mind a thousand a second on the moment of flight (death) , is he reaching , searching, or in complete desperation ending.. Is he blinded by hope, fooling himself in the belief that the contraption will work.. that he will fly to a new world.. (is he sacrificing himself it to the world of God.. although to do this in a religious context he would only be condemning himself to hell, )
Is his feeling that death controlled and performed by himself is less painful.. physically and emotionally than death under oppression, is he aware of all these emotions in his workings out, are they an exploration of the emotion attached to suicide.. the contraption will never work the contraption is the end.. the hypothesis is desperation within the confides of oppression the experiment is a search fro strength to conclude in the only way that is possible.. the result is revolt in self sacrifice?

Naked transcript and musings...

Transcript - Naked - Mike Leigh

A - Why are they sending all those satalites and shuttles into the cosmos, what do they think they're gonna find up there that they can't find down here? They think that if they piss high enough they're gonna find the monkey with the beard and the crap ideas and its like... oh there you are... are you busy captain cause i've got a few fundamental questions for you? You with me?

B - Yeah let's face it, I mean what are rockets? They're just big metal Pricks. The Bastard's aren't satisfied with fucking the earth they have to fuck space as well.

This is the transcript from 'Naked', this got me thinking about the bigger picture. The why?? and the reasons why we as a species are so desperate to know why, like all of life's questions will be answered when we find this illusive why. This is a simalar idea to those present in Marlowe's 'Dr Faustus'. ' His waxen wings did melt beyond his reach' The original over reacher Iccarus also quoted in Faustus. Both are characterised by this fatal flaw - thier urge to live outside of the realms of possibilty, longing for immortality. Is this misguided ideal the force behind the great escape of The man who flew into space from his apartment? Does he wish to escape purley for selfish personal reasons, does he wish to be a martyr and live forever in the memories of those who shared his beliefs? Does he wish for an elabourate experience before he inevitably plummets to his death? Does he believe that he can cheat death by breaking into somekind of mythical realm above the earths atmosphere? Is this some sort of heaven?

Some Ideas ... Costume 'The Fight, The Revolt'

Some Ideas ... Soviet Propaganda - Man in Space??

Some Ideas ... Soviet Space Battle Station

Wednesday, 5 December 2007

The Creator ...

The creator of the man.
the creator of war, death
reason and opinion.
The creator of fighting,
dissagreement, and argument.
The creator of the person that can change the country
The creator of the idea that can change the world!
The creator of the person that can change the world!
Was the man a creation of the state,
Was the man behind the man a creation of the state.
An idea can change anything, people, the state, the country,
An idea can change the world.
One man with an idea, a truth, an honesty,
is more powerfull that a thousand men with promises,
pretense, wishes and false hope,
they all piss in the same pot!

Entrances and Exits!

'Entrances and Exits confuse me'
(from a passer by)

What does this mean?
It could me nothing,
Or it could have a world of meanings.
It is what it is!

Monday, 3 December 2007

Some text I came up with when thinking about the man. 2 versions.


Fear takes hold, black void. In essence very empty. The watchers say all the visible matter, this room and its contents, buildings, people, stars, planets, asteroids, nebulae, comets and so on, make up only a small piece of the bigger picture, 5% of the universe, of everything. The rest is invisible, or black, the watchers call it dark matter and dark energy, not understood, not yet. I am now so conscious of my heart raging, its beat, its pump, like my ribs are about to be cracked and twisted, splitting as it surfaces into this place, as I see the open space in front of me, feel the eyes and lies burrowing in to parts of me where there are no pores, digging and cutting into my very being.
They paint you, when their confronted, as a cutter in a forest of industry, usurping, upturning. Got to be weary as a straight jacket dreamer, I wish away my gravity.


Fear takes hold, black void. In essence very empty. All the visible matter, this room and its contents, buildings, people, stars, planets, asteroids, mountains, nebulae, lakes, comets and so on, together hold a small piece of a bigger puzzle, 5% of everything. The rest is invisible. The watchers call it dark matter a matter of energy, does anyone understand it? I am now so conscious of my heart raging, its beat, its pump, like my ribs are ready to be cracked and twisted, fragmented as it surfaces into this black place. I see it open in front of me, feel the eyes and lies burrowing in to parts of me where there are no pores.
They paint you, digging and cutting into your very being. When they are confronted, like a cutter in a forest of industry, usurping, upturning. Got to be weary as a straight jacket dreamer, I wish away my gravity.

Chagall's Work

The painting below is one of Marc Chagall's, more information below painting. Notice the background ... is the bride and the violin playing goat flying/floating through space?? ... and does this maybe have a connection with Chagall living in France after being exciled from Russia?? ... also could it have a connection with the paintings of Ilya Kabakov and the stimulus for his work?? hmmm i deffinetely think so!!

Chagall's Work

The Atist 'Mark Chagall'

'The Russian Jew Mark Shagal who lived in France for a long period of time depicted his hometown of Vitebsk where he spent his childhood and youth. "Dreams of Exile" is the first ever play in Russia dedicated to Mark Shagal and his works. Asked why he chose this very painter, director Ginkas said: "It happened by chance, I had to stage a play about exile for demonstrating in Paris. Shagal long lived in exile. I thought his pictures could tell much about the emigration. Besides they speak of love, parting, joys of life, pain, death, childhood and motherland . . . Like Shagal's pictures the play is about searches for the God in each of the painter's picture, whether it features clouds, people or a yard behind a Vitebsk shoemaker's house. The play is full of an array of symbols coming from Shagal's canvases.'

Kama Ginkas the director of Russian Theatre Company 'The Moscow Young Spectators' talks above about their play based on exile for demonstrating in paris, which was dedicated to Mark Chagall's work. Alot of Chagall's paintings are based around animals, people or objects floating or flying, including the painting of the goat flying into space playing a violin. With his work influenced by him living in Russia and him being exiled from his own country, gave me ideas about his story and his work relating to Ilya Kabakov's, especially from the quote above, speaking about Chagall's paintings bein about love, parting, joys of life, pain, death, childhood and most specifically the 'motherland'! which is spoken about in the Russian national anthem which is in our piece. Also his work is influenced by searching for god, which could be seen as a close relation to Ilya Kabakov's work, being about freedom, excape, in search of a better place, which seems very similar ideas in Mark Chagall's work!

Sunday, 2 December 2007


Instead of elastic could torches be used and shone on the ceiling/floor for the constellation scene?
Could these torches be used by people off stage in the scene taken from the film which describes space? (Stuart, Liz, Charmaine and myself)
How do we introduce 'The Man' as the main character to the audience?
Do we give 'The Man' a name?
Could we introduce him via the first diary entry?
Are we taking anough risks? or are we still in our comfort zones?
Do we need to gather all our texts together as one script?
Can the video diaries introduce each scene? e.g. "I went outside tonight looked up and saw the stars they were beautiful, they make me feel so peaceful, I cant wait to be up there... (next scene the constellations)

Similiraties between 'The man who flew...' and Leonardo Da vinci's work

Fig 1 (Leonardo Da vinci: Helicopter and Lifting wing)

Fig 2 (Leonardo Da vinci : Vitruvian Man)

Fig 3 (Leonardo Da vinci : The study of graduations of shadows on spheres)

Fig 4 (Ilya Kabakov: The man who flew into space from his apartment)

Kabakovs installation 'the man who...' (fig 4) When trying to think of 'the mans' mind set whilst inventing, I became interested in the doodles/drawings he has above the diorama on the left handside of the photo, one in particular conjured up the image of Leonardo Da vinci's Vitruvian man (fig 2)
Leonardo Da vinci is not only a known artist but also inventor, engineer and scientist.

Leonardo's Journals
'Leonardo's studies in science and engineering are as impressive and innovative as his artistic work, recorded in notebooks comprising some 13,000 pages of notes and drawings, which fuse art and natural philosophy (the forerunner of modern science). These notes were made and maintained daily throughout Leonardo's life and travels, as he made continual observations of the world around him.
The journals are mostly written in mirror-image cursive. The reason may have been more a practical expediency than for reasons of secrecy as is often suggested. Since Leonardo wrote with his left hand, it is probable that it was easier for him to write from right to left'
The images in fig 1,2 and 3 are taken from Da vinci's journals and show some of his experiments including his project which looked like a helicopter (fig 1) which has angles/shape similar to 'the mans' contraption.
Kabakovs installation and Da vinci's Journal drawings (fig 1,2 & 3) all have recurring symetrical angles, these are strongly reflected in the drawings on 'the mans' wall, with Da vinci's journals and love for inventing, engineering and flying machines/contraptions, are these similarities just a coincidence?