Monday, 5 November 2007


I have been developing an idea for some time now about the idea of revolution and its relation to the piece. I feel that the man who flew to space from his apartment is almost a microcosmic example of revolution. He whiles away in his apartment getting closer and closer by day to this goal of escape and freedom. In my mind this is an example of a great revolutionary, influencing his comrades and inspiring them to feel the same. This is fairly evident in the ways which we are showing the neighbour becoming more and more intrigued by the sounds we hear coming from the mans apartment although it is subtle he is gaining a following simply through the intrigue that he is creating.

rev•o•lu•tion ˌrɛv əˈlu ʃən - Show Spelled Pronunciation[rev-uh-loo-shuh n] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. an overthrow or repudiation and the thorough replacement of an established government or political system by the people governed.
2. Sociology. a radical and pervasive change in society and the social structure, esp. one made suddenly and often accompanied by violence. Compare SOCIAL EVOLUTION.

3. a sudden, complete or marked change in something: the present revolution in church architecture.
4. a procedure or course, as if in a circuit, back to a starting point.
5. a single turn of this kind.
6. Mechanics.
a. a turning round or rotating, as on an axis.
b. a moving in a circular or curving course, as about a central point.
c. a single cycle in such a course.

7. Astronomy.
a. (not in technical use) ROTATION (def. 2).

b. the orbiting of one heavenly body around another.
c. a single course of such movement.

8. a round or cycle of events in time or a recurring period of time.
9. Geology. a time of worldwide orogeny and mountain-building

1. a drastic and far-reaching change in ways of thinking and behaving;

In the case of the man who flew to space from his apartment he is over reaching he knows that this act of desperation will lead to certain death yet he does it anyway, maybe as an act of martyrdom to save those others in the apartment block or maybe just a selfish act which in the long run will condemn his neighbours. Just like a modern day Iccarus he chooses to ignore common sense and aims to reach that un-attainable goal. It could represent capitalism and the inevitable greed that is associated with it, one man will have his glory regardless of everyone else or of course it could be the exact opposite that is the beauty of it.

This is the synopsis of The Edukators a film that has been linked to the project in my head for a while I feel that some of the points raised in the film are similar to those in the installation.
Jan, Peter and Jule are living out their rebellious youth. They are united by their passion to change the state of the world. Jan channels his anger into causes. His hip roommate Peter shares the same ideals, but he’s much more relaxed. Peter's girlfriend Jule has just moved in because she can't make ends meet on her waitress' salary.
Unknown to Jule, Jan and Peter are the ‘Edukators’, mysterious perpetrators of creative, non-violent warnings to the local yacht club members that their "days of plenty are numbered." As it happens, Jule has a secret of her own: an accident in an uninsured vehicle has left her with a lifetime of monthly payments to a rich businessman named Hardenberg. While Peter is away on holiday, Jan and Jules recklessly break into Hardenberg's villa for some "edukating." They also give in to the feelings that have been growing between them.
When Jan and Jule are forced to return to the villa to retrieve a forgotten cell phone, they are caught in the act by Hardenberg. They have no choice but to call Peter for help, at the risk of his finding out about their hidden romance. When the trio makes the rash decision to kidnap the rich entrepreneur and retreat to a relative's mountain cabin, the young idealists find themselves face-to-face with the values of the generation in power...

Every heart is a revolutionary cell…Your days of plenty are numbered…

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