Monday, 15 October 2007


Da, krazy komrade
There's a little side room here, an installation piece by some Soviet nutcase, Ilya Kabakov. "The Man Who Flew Into Space From His Apartment." Dumpy cold-water flat with pinko-prop posters and infantile space doodles on the wall, a jerry-rigged slingshot contraption and a hole in the roof. "Represents homo sovieticus trapped between material poverty and idealistic dreams," says the placard. Some fool nonsense about planets in conjunction and cosmic energy streams, suggesting that Kabakov wasn't that crazy. He just wanted to get the hell outta red Russia. Who wouldn't?

I loved the way this was written, “Trapped between material poverty and idealistic dreams” Perhaps another view point on the room. “He just wanted to get the hell outta red Russia. Who wouldn’t?” “Some fool nonsence.” I felt it illustrates the owner of the room as a crazed man, but a man who could be felt for.. Is this the thought of an on looker to our man?
Are these cosmic energy streams the ones drawn on the box, it sounds so crazed it could be true, I imagine the man talking passionately and enthusiastically about his idea.. crazy as it sounds.. his whole life focused on it.. excited with hope.

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